Pangong Tso The journey from Leh to Pangong Tso takes approximately 5-6 hours long, we departed from the office of Indian Himalayan Expedition travel agent around 8 am as usual . Before leaving, Kak Nina and I bought a large supply of bananas and bottled water. Our shared taxi partners are slightly changed from the ones to Nubra Valley trip the previous day, we met two additional friends of David from Taiwan who just arrived and a friend from Jammu, Jaspreet, who had made a prior appointment from the trip advisor. Luckily, the driver of the trip this time was the same as yesterday's Nubra trip, Fayaz, with trusted skill without a doubt from yesterday trip experiences. Perjalanan dari Leh menuju Pangong Tso sekitar 5-6 jam, kami berangkat seperti biasa sekitar jam 8 pagi dari depan kantor travel agent Indian Himalayan Expedition. Sebelum pergi, saya dan Kak Nina membeli perbekalan pisang dan air botol besar. Partner share taksi kami sedikit berbeda dari Nubra Valley trip h...
Out There
Travel blog for sharing experiences and information. Leh Ladakh, India, especially Nubra Valley and Pangong Tso, located in foothills of Himalayan Mountain, have great landscapes and scenery. For you who wants a great adventure, these destinations are a must.